Mother accused of murdering her three children. ‘There was no forewarning of any kind,’ sheriff says

A mother of three is accused of murder after her children were found dead in the family’s home, authorities said.
Sandra Chico, 28, was arrested in connection with the children’s deaths and now faces three counts each of murder and assault on a child causing death, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office.
Shortly before 1 p.m. on June 28, a family member called law enforcement to an East Los Angeles home after finding the children had possibly stopped breathing, KTLA reported.
Responding Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies discovered a girl and two boys who were unresponsive — Mia Camila Rodriguez, 4, Mason Mateo Rodriguez, 3, and 1-month-old Milan Mateas Rodriguez.
The three children were pronounced dead at the scene after life-saving measures failed.
“There was no forewarning of any kind. There was no repeated calls for service. DCFS was not involved. There was no allegations of child abuse. This was out of the blue tragedy," L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva noted.
Citing unnamed family members, KABC-TV reported Chico allegedly suffocated the children before attempting to kill herself. The mother, they said, allegedly had been dealing with mental health issues.
“I won't criticize her,” the children’s paternal grandmother told the news station. “I wish her well. She is also a victim of her illness, which is depression. And even more so during these times that people couldn't go out. She never went out for anything.”
Chico is being held on $6 million bail.
Family members have created a GoFundMe page in memory of the three murdered children.
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