Military ‘Rogue Element’ Exploiting Alien Tech, Expert Claims

The paper took a deeper look into the 'Alaskan Triangle.'
With so many questioning reported UFO incidents, one expert believes the phenomenon can easily be explained.
Michael Schratt, a UFO researcher with nearly three decades of experience, recently offered his perspective, suggesting crashes result from the United States military experimenting with recovered alien technology.
According to Schratt, there is a faction within the military-industrial complex engaged in targeting, tracking and even shooting down alien spaceships, according to the Daily Star. He believes that their motive is to exploit the propulsion systems, weapons systems and free energy applications of these extraterrestrial technologies.
In a recent Disclosure Team podcast, Schratt shared his insights, stating we are dealing with a “rogue element of the military-industrial complex.”
One key technology of interest to the U.S. military, according to Schratt, is the aliens' anti-gravity propulsion system. He suggests that the military might have successfully duplicated this technology as early as 70 years ago.
Referring to witness testimonies from military personnel, he claims that a breakthrough occurred, leading to the development of man-made “UFOs,” with the latest breakthrough pinpointed to October 1954.
Schratt contends that the secrecy surrounding the program makes it challenging for pilots encountering UFOs to grasp the true nature of these encounters. Citing examples like U.S. Navy pilots encountering "Tic Tac" objects, he emphasizes that many pilots lack the necessary clearance to understand the activities within classified facilities.
The UFO researcher asserts that the entire program is shrouded in secrecy and utilizes disinformation to create confusion about its real objectives.
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According to Schratt, an intelligence military complex is orchestrating these efforts, employing tactics to make people believe they are dealing with extraterrestrial crafts when, in reality, it involves a classified military program funded through unconventional means.
Schratt reveals that private defense research labs play a significant role in holding and developing alien technology. He suggests that the government's approach is hands-off, allowing defense contractors to privatize and commercialize the technology, with a focus on acquiring knowledge about propulsion and weapon system applications.
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