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NEWSPrepping for World War III? China Warns of ‘Cycle of Retaliation’ as Tensions Mount Worldwide
China warned against a 'cycle of retaliation' concerning what could result from a retaliatory strike from the United States against Iran. NEWSJurassic Surprise: Unraveling the Tale of the 'Chicken From Hell,' South Dakota's Newest Dinosaur Discovery
Paleontologists have discovered a new species of birdlike dinosaurs nicknamed 'Hell Chicken,' offering new insights about the extinction. NEWSPower from the Ground? Soil Microbes Set to Spark Revolution in Limitless Dirt-Cheap Energy
Scientists have found an almost infinite energy source that may be dirt cheap with the potential to last forever. NEWSNASA's Cosmic Quest: Diving into the Icy Depths of Jupiter's Moon in Pursuit of Extraterrestrial Life
NASA has revealed how it will land on the icy ocean of Jupiter's moon Europa to search for signs of life in a proposed mission. NEWSPutin's Prized Predators: Russia's Endangered Amur Tigers Causing Havoc After Relocation Effort
Killer tigers are on the prowl in Russia. And they’re not in zoos. Like many things in Russia, they’re part of the Vladimir Putin agenda. NEWSGovernment Coverup? Investigative Filmmaker Claims U.S. Military Captured Video of UFO Hovering Over Iraq
Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell has come forward with new claims of an alleged government UFO cover-up. NEWSWater Wonder: Ice Age-Era Lake Reemerges from Dusty Depths of California's Arid Death Valley
An ancient lake has reappeared in the hot, dry landscape of California's Death Valley, creating a rare and fleeting spectacle for visitors. NEWSFrenchman Discovers Giant 7.46-Carat Diamond in 'Magical' Arkansas State Park, Names Stone After His Fiancée
A man visiting the United States from France found a 7.46-carat diamond while searching in Crater of Diamonds State Park. NEWSCeasefire or Escalation? Kremlin Reveals Stance on Vladimir Putin's Reportedly Peaceful Intentions in Ukraine
A Kremlin spokesperson has refuted reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin is sussing out the West for ending the Ukraine war. NEWSMoonquakes and Surface Distortions: Study Reveals Moon Shrinking in Size, Posing Hazards for Human Exploration
The moon is shrinking, causing moonquakes and surface warping that could pose risks to astronauts on lunar missions, a new study revealed. NEWSRussian Reality Check: Putin Admits Ukraine War 'Far From Calm,' Conditions 'Not the Best' Right Now
As Russia marks 23 months after its first assault on Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin is sounding less confident of his troop's performance. NEWSRussian Revolt? Officials Conspiring Against Putin, Fueling 'Underground Revolution': Report
High-ranking officials in the Kremlin are allegedly secretly helping an underground revolution against President Putin. NEWSCountdown to Catastrophe: Doomsday Clock Signals Disaster Imminent Amid Risk of Nuclear Armageddon, Russian Threats
The Doomsday Clock, a symbolic representation of humanity's proximity to global catastrophe, says the earth is 90 seconds from midnight. NEWSGroundbreaking Revelation: Discovery of Tectonic Plates 'Unzipping' Beneath Tibet May Help Predict Future Earthquakes
Seismic activity underneath Tibet is splitting one of the two massive tectonic plates that created Mount Everest, according to a new study. NEWSAncient Glam Unearthed: 1,500-Year-Old Asian Tomb Reveals Gold Belt Buckles Believed to Be Used by Royalty
Archaeologists in Kazakhstan discovered two ancient belt buckles depicting the first-ever representations of an early civilization's royalty. NEWSSasquatch or Wild Lookalike? Study Finds 'Significant Link' Between Bigfoot Sightings and This Animal
A new study found that black bear populations align with sasquatch sightings, suggesting the animals may be behind many reports. NEWSStun Gun: China Unveils High-Speed 'Dream Bullet' That Changes Directions Via Instructions Sent by Satellite
Scientists in China have developed a 'dream bullet' capable of changing trajectory mid-flight, first envisioned by the U.S. Navy. NEWSPuzzling Discovery: Marine Archaeologists Investigate Mysterious Object Exposed in Lake Erie During Extreme Weather
How does a lot of snow lower the water level of a lake? It happened at Lake Erie. And it’s produced something even more curious. NEWSUkrainian Drones Take Out Russian Radio-Jammers Designed to Stop Drones in 'Continual Game of Cat and Mouse'
Russian forces in Ukraine have been employing Silok radio jammers to disrupt the radio links between Ukrainian drones and their operators. NEWSFrozen Enigma: 100-Year-Old Greenland Shark, Which Can Live for 500 Years, Washes Ashore
A 100-year-old beached Greenland shark presents the chance to study a rarely spotted species thought to be the longest-lived vertebrate. NEWSHawaiian Paradise Under Threat: 50th State Faces Alarming Rate of Species Extinction, Tops U.S. Charts
Hawaii, the 'Aloha State,' seems to say goodbye to more species than any other U.S. state. Eight bird species there became extinct in 2023. NEWSPutin in Peril: Ex-Russian Lawmaker in Exile Plots Regime Change, Downfall of Leader's 'Modern-Day Fasicism'
Vladimir Putin has a rising political challenger outside Russia - and his goal is to stage a 21st-century Russian revolution. NEWSSpace Discovery Makes Splash: Webb Telescope Reveals Distant Galaxies Shaped Like 'Surfboards or Pool Noodles'
Researchers discovered distant galaxies resembling 'surfboards and pool noodles' that raise new questions about galactic evolution. NEWSUnder Construction? Concerns Putin Ready to Rebuild Former Soviet Union Mount Amid Massive NATO Military Exercise
Russia President Vladimir Putin has ordered funding for retrieving old Russian assets belonging to the Soviet Union. NEWSAbove and Beyond: New Alligator-Like Lizard Species Discovered Lurking High Up in Mexico's Treetops
Scientists have discovered a new species of alligator lizard in the treetops of southern Mexico after a 7-year quest NEWSRussia in Economic Tailspin: Nearly Two Years of Putin's War in Ukraine Taking Toll on Country's Economy
Nearly two years of fighting in Ukraine has cost the Russian government a lot of things. Including national reserves. NEWSMission Unaccomplished: Peregrine Spacecraft's Journey to Moon Lost in Space, Has 'No Chance’ of Landing
The Peregrine mission has 'no chance' of making it to the moon after leaking propellant put the spacecraft off course. NEWSWar Tide Turning? Ukraine Marines Repel Russian Forces, Inflict Major Damage on Enemy Along Dnipro River
Opposed to previous reports, Ukraine is apparently maintaining a strong footing in the Dnipro River bridgehead assault against Russia. NEWSGee Whiz: Scientists Solve 150-Year Mystery Behind Why Urine is Yellow
A new study by scientists reveal a 150-year mystery and why human urine is yellow in color, sources claim. NEWSRigged? Putin Accuses U.S. Elections of Manipulation Amid Questions About Fairness of Upcoming Russian Vote
Donald Trump made the election phrase, 'It might be rigged' famous. Now Vladimir Putin is agreeing with him. NEWSMystery Solved? New Search for Missing Malaysia Flight MH370 Predicted to Find Wreckage Within Weeks
An aviation mystery will be solved this year when specialists uncover missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, a researcher predicts. NEWSPutin Ally Claims World War III ‘Already Underway,' Claims Trump Agrees
An influential Russian says the world doesn’t need to be fearful about the start of World War III. He claims it’s already started. NEWSFriend or Foe? 'Moving Cloud-Like' Triangular UFO with 'Three Light Sources' Startles Chinese in Four Cities
China citizens took to social media to discuss a UFO spotted over several cities that was described as a 'misty ball of light.' NEWSGoing, Going, Gone? Experts Warn New York City, Areas of East Coast Sinking into Sea
The United States East Coast is sinking at an alarming rate, posing a 'major threat' to densely-populated cities, according to new research. NEWSCeasefire? Ukrainian Officials Deliberate Russian Troop Withdrawal Plans in Quest for 'Restoration of Justice'
Ukrainian officials are meeting at Davos to discuss Russian withdrawal plans by creating an international working group. NEWSCould Fruit Bats Unlock Diabetes Cure? Researchers Explore Flying Mammal as Potential Key to Stopping Disease
Researchers studied how the pancreas and kidneys work in fruit bats and believe they could hold the key to curing diabetes. NEWSStaging World War III? Satellite Imagery Suggests China Constructed Simulated U.S. Warships for Target Practice
Despite China’s recent calls for stable relations with the US, it appears that the country may be preparing for the complete opposite. NEWSScientist Experiences 'Stepping Onto an Alien Planet' Right Here on Earth
Would you dare to walk inside a giant deep fire pit, more than 70 yards wide? One man did it and survived to tell the story. NEWSPlaying with Fire? 'Principled' Presidential Election Rival Slams Putin's 'Big Mistake' War in Ukraine, Wants Truce
A Russian election candidate has proclaimed his anti-war stance publicly, an action that has led others to be jailed. NEWSExplosive Discovery: Massive Volcanic 'Superstructure' Bigger Than Idaho Lurking Beneath Pacific Ocean
Scientists believe the Melanesian Border Plateau under the Pacific Ocean is the result of an 'Oceanic Mid-Plate Superstructure.' NEWSLost in Space? Peregrine Spacecraft Scheduled for Moon Landing Now Orbiting Without Definitive Resolution
Scientists are trying to salvage what they can of a voyage to the moon, after the spacecraft had trouble in its first hours. NEWSGoing De-Extinct: Scientists on Siberian Project Claim Return of Woolly Mammoth Possible in Three Years
A genetic project in northern Siberia that could bring the large extinct Woolly Mammoth back from the dead. NEWSPrepping for War War III? China Unveils Cutting-Edge Aircraft Carrier Amid Rising Global Tensions
The Chinese military unveiled its new advanced Fujian aircraft carrier. The vessel is its most technologically advanced vessel. NEWSCould Spiders' Web-Making Skills Lead to Cure for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases?
Scientists believe replicating spiders' silk-making process could lead to the cure of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. NEWSPutin Payback? Body of Russian Editor Found Next to Ex-Husband's as Puzzling Journalist Deaths Continue
A main person involved in spreading Vladimir Putin’s messages is dead. It’s the second death of a journalist in a few days. NEWSFrom Extinction to Conservation: Inside the Remarkable Return of Kenya's Giant Ground Pangolin After 47 Years
The giant ground pangolin is out of nature’s closet in East Africa. Yet that move could be dangerous due to animal trafficking. NEWSWelcome Earthlings: NASA Reveals How You Could Go to Moon in 2024
NASA is inviting people to add their names to a list that will land on the moon as part of an upcoming mission. NEWSAccident or Sabotage? Mysterious Massive Power Outages Plague Russia, Including at Top-Secret Bullet Factory
At least two people are dead after power stations broke down in the early Russian winter, leaving hundreds of thousands without heat. NEWSBling Fling: Eruptions of Diamonds May Have Blasted Gem-Rich Magma from Earth's Depths
Researchers have discovered that volcanic explosions rich with diamonds spew from the Earth's surface as supercontinents break apart. NEWSPutin Concealing Secret Russian City More Radioactive Than Chernobyl Since Catastrophic Nuclear Disaster: Reports
Vladimir Putin is said to be hiding a secret city more radioactive than Chernobyl deep inside Russia’s mountains.