Archaeologists Stumble on 400-Year-Old Burial Vault Under a Famous Church, Skeletons Were Pressed to Make Space for More Bodies

Archaeologists involved in the restoration of the famous Church of Saint Philibert in France were surprised by the findings they unearthed by following a forgotten staircase. Experts after arriving on the site started to look into the foundations of several structures in the establishment, stated Popular Mechanics. During their exploration, the team stumbled upon a forgotten staircase and decided to look into it. Experts on the other side of the staircase found a 400-year-old burial vault and several sixth-century sarcophagi.

| Photo by François de Dijon)
The church dates back to around the second half of the 12th century, stated Fox News. The vault was possibly made somewhere between the 15th and 16th centuries. The coffins inside the vault contained the dead remains of children and adults. Researchers noted that the bones of each individual were pushed to the side to make room for the next one inside the coffin. Along with the bodies, researchers also found rare coins and two rosaries in the vault. Experts noted that the vault's foundation measured about nine feet in depth. Archaeologists also uncovered slab tombs in the location which were built from the 11th through 13th centuries.
The team also unearthed sarcophagi (stone coffins) from the Late Antiquity and Merovingian periods. One of them had a sculpted lid on it. As per examinations, the sarcophagi could have been inside another ancient building in the past after which they were transported here. French National Institute for Preventative Archaeological Research believes the presence of so many burials from various periods implies that the church was an important funerary center.
The findings from the Church of Saint Philibert have been regarded as crucial because it is the only structure of its kind to be standing from the 12th century. The church has a rich history of being abandoned in 1795 and also the city removing two of its chapels to expand the present Rue des Vieilles-Ovens in 1825.
The church was an important structure for the community since its establishment, as per Popular Mechanics. Over the years, many new additions have been made to the building like a porch, bell tower, spire, and side chapel by authorities. Archaeologists during restoration found evidence of another ancient church on the site. This past church had reportedly been excavated by another team of experts in 1923. Along with the forgotten staircase, vault, and sarcophagi, restoration also led to the finding of some wall remnants from the Early Middle Ages. Researchers believe the wall was constructed through herringbone masonry techniques and dates back to the 10th century.

The decision to restore the church was taken by officials in the 1970s. In the past, a heated concrete slab was installed on the church premises which slowly over the years trapped the salt-filled ground under it. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the church was used to store salt. At one point the amount of salt became high and on heating, it began to produce cracks on the church's stone foundation. As a result, the restoration was ordered.