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Archaeologists Unearth Thousands of Animal Bones Inside Mysterious Prehistoric Stone Structures, Believe They Were Used for Rituals

Researchers are yet to figure out why this mustatil was created and particularly had so many bones.
A burnt skull of an animal (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Photo by Gilmer Diaz Estela)
A burnt skull of an animal (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Photo by Gilmer Diaz Estela)

Researchers have speculated for a long time about prehistoric structures called mustatils found in Saudi Arabia. More than a thousand such rectangular stone formations have been spotted in the country, but their objective remains unclear, stated Live Science. In 2023, archaeologists unearthed several animal and human bones from one of the stone monuments. This evidence made experts suggest that the mustatils could have been employed for ancient rituals that incorporated these remains.

White Cow Skeleton Figure (Representative Image Source: Pexels/Photo by Pixabay)
White cow skeleton figure (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Photo by Pixabay)

The excavation was done as part of a project launched by the Royal Commission for AlUla, a region in northwest Saudi Arabia. The mustatils from where they found the remains measured around 131 by 39 feet (40 by 12 meters). The stone walls were 6.6 feet (2 m) thick, but researchers couldn't figure out the height because of accumulated erosion. The bones were collected from inside of the mustatil. As per an examination, the animal remains were 7,000 years old.

Archaeologists stated that there were more than 3,000 bone remains at the spot, which weighed around 55 pounds (25 kilograms) altogether. The collection had hundreds of animal heads and horns. Some of these animals were identified to be cattle and caprines like goats. On exploration, archaeologists found a shrine-like construction at the center of the courtyard. Researchers detected two hearths at the spot, where ceremonies involving the bones happened. 


The human bones belonged to around nine people, as per experts. According to examinations, amongst these possible nine people, two were infants, five were adults, one was an adolescent and there was also a child. The human remains were found to be a few centuries younger than the animal bones, according to examination. Though some experts have raised the speculation that these humans could have been related to the builders of this particular mustatil, they do not have enough proof to back this claim. 

Archaeologists all over the world were ecstatic by the discovery as it got them some steps closer to solving the mystery of mustatil.  "It would be interesting to know the distribution by bone type to help understand whether individuals were deposited whole or whether parts of the already decomposed skeleton could be brought into [the mustatil]," Olivia Munoz, an archeo-anthropologist at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) who wasn't involved with the excavation said. 


Researchers are yet to figure out why this mustatil was created and particularly had so many bones. A 2021 study in Antiquity claimed that these structures could have been a part of a "cattle cult." However, archaeologists involved in the excavation rejected this assertion as cattle bones accounted for only a small part of the collection. Researchers consider rituals to be the most possible scenario because of the presence of two hearths around the possible shrine and evidence pointing towards some bones being burnt. The courtyard being open-air further suggests that many people watched these rituals being performed.  Archaeologists believe that these rituals were conducted by nomadic tribes. They gathered in the mustatil at a specific time, and gave their offerings in the ritual, as per experts. 

Partially articulated human remains located inside the mustatil (Cover Image Source: PLOSOne)
Partially articulated human remains located inside the mustatil (Cover Image Source: PLOSOne)

In another study centered around mustatils in PLOS One, researchers claimed that these structures combine rituals with economic concerns. Archaeologists cited the several animal horns and cranium they located as the reason for their assertion. Both appear to be crucial aspects common to the Neolithic lifestyle across a vast region. They possibly were offered for more 'gains' by individuals. "The incorporation of these two facets suggests a deeply rooted ideological entanglement, one which was shared over a vast geographic distance, indicating a far more interconnected landscape and culture than had previously been supposed for the Neolithic period in north-west Arabia," the researchers wrote.

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