The Menendez Brothers: Why Did Lyle & Erik Slay Their Mother and Father? (FPD CASE VAULT)

Erik and Lyle Menendez are allegedly plotting for their prison breakout, sources claim.
Beverly Hills brothers Lyle and Erik Menendez were just 21 and 18 respectively when they gunned down their multi-millionaire businessman father Jose, 45, and their mother Kitty, 48, in the blood-spattered den of the family mansion.
The trial caused a national sensation when it was broadcast in 1993 on the then-new cable network Court TV.
Cops at the grisly scene noted the couple was gunned down by 15 shotgun blasts.
At first, the boys appeared to have an airtight alibi, but they raised suspicion when they almost immediately began running through their father's fortune, spending nearly $1 million on the high life in mere months.
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