Man set fire to churches in Tennessee, now faces nearly a century behind bars

A man is accused of setting four churches on fire in the Nashville area and faces nearly 100 years in prison for his alleged crimes.
Federal prosecutors announced they charged Alan Douglas Fox, 28, in connection to the arsons. The charges were filed this week in a federal court.
Investigators say the arsons happened in 2019 in Nashville, Tennessee. The fires were Crievewood United Methodist Church on June 17, 2019, the Crievewood Baptist Church on June 25, 2019, the Saint Ignatius of Antioch Catholic Church on June 25, 2019 and the Priest Lake Community Baptist Church on June 26, 2019.
Prosecutors only said that Fox allegedly picked the targets because of the “religious character of the churches.”
He is also accused of using a gun during one of the arsons.
If convicted and sentenced to the maximum penalty, Fox faces 85 years in federal prison, prosecutors said.
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